The main feat of this release is, as you might have guessed, the German language support.
Welcome to all new users from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and any other German speaking area, especially to my neighbours from South Tyrol, gemma!
I am really happy to have added German, Menu Plan is getting more and more multilingual.
The next one will be Portuguese, in a few months time, stay tuned…
There’s more, this is a big release:
The usage of typical Italian courses First course (Primo) and Second course (secondo) is now optional.
If you’re not from Italy you can hide “first” and “second”, and simply use “Main” vs “Side”; just go to the Settings, a new option is there.
New users of Menu plan will automatically get this option enabled or disabled depending on their device language.
It’s a small feat but I believe it will make all non-Italian users feel more at home.
Recipe edit: there was a bug that closed the recipe when and ingredient was added or deleted; now fixed.
Shopping lists: there was a bug that scrolled to top whenever an item was checked/unchecked: now fixed
The Spanish translation has been improved, thanks to the fedback of a fellow developer from Spain, which I thank again
iPad layout fixes
Online recipe parsing has been improved
Well, not too bad for a minor release.
Enjoy folks!